Macos markdown outliner
Macos markdown outliner

macos markdown outliner
  1. #Macos markdown outliner android#
  2. #Macos markdown outliner code#

The MVP for the project was just do new daily DevLog notes and record useful info, started some porting yesterday from is 🔥LIT🔥 pic.twitter. Ok, I'm having an absolute BLAST using for my DevLog and Tech notes that need more structure and organization. Free, local, privacy focussed, outliner.- Luke Whitehead May 20, you've stolen my heart (well, maybe neurons). Great community, amazing approachable devs, lightning fast development.

macos markdown outliner

Shout out to if you haven't tried it! It is the best of Roam and Obsidian, in a format you are probably very used to already. A live preview window renders Markdown as you type. Quiver lets you write in Markdown with inline formatting and custom CSS options.

#Macos markdown outliner code#

Video in the works- Tools on Tech April 4, 2021 Quiver packs the awesome ACE code editor in code cells, with syntax highlighting support for more than 120 languages, over 20 themes, automatic indent and outdent, and much more. And the gleefully look at a future where I had this for years. ♥️- Daryl Manning March 24, 2021Įvery time I use I'm thinking, I needed this years ago. Super impressed as giving me all the things I like about roam, emacs org-mode, and notion together. Mashup of roam and org-mode's task management is making me very happy so far, even in 0.0.13. It's also connected to Obsidian, where I keep my longer term research that benefits from structured documents.- Jessica is trying her best May 28, 2021įreaking *loving* since I started using it on the desktop. I am still reviewing a few other tools, but in all likelihood will be moving all my notes from OneNote to Obsidian, which will then be easily movable to other tools in the future if I so choose - Athens Research sounds very promising and will be launched in August.I'm using + Logseq is an outliner + task management that works well with my "18,000 things at once" daily way of thinking. Unlike other editors, FoldingText does outlining, todo lists, and more. The graphing features, as of right now, are perhaps worse than useless, especially in comparison to TheBrain, but the Obsidian Roadmap shows some basic and key improvements coming up next - centering on a note/node, filtering, etc.Īlso, TheBrain is crazy expensive (as is Roam now), closed-source, and just overall archaic - they were WAY ahead of their time, but I'm delighted to see the recent explosion of similar/better tools. FoldingText is the markdown text editor with productivity features. It seemed more about connecting ideas than actually recording and creating them.Ĭonversely, Obsidian/Roam/etc. My biggest issue is that it is TOO visual - the notetaking aspect is a clunky afterthought. I tried TheBrain about 5 years ago, and looking at their demos it looks like there hasn't been much change. Eventually want to have Obsidian on all platforms but we're only 2 months into development! :) Mobile is the next platform web comes last. We'll try to approximate as many outliner features as possible though, as long as it does not conflict with our other core values."Īttachments are local files that you can link to with ] or embed with !]. Plain text and Markdown means portability, but it also means that Obsidian cannot uniquely identify each block of text like outliners do.

macos markdown outliner

"Q: Will Obsidian have any outliner features? This page is based on the copyrighted Wikipedia article Outliner (Authors) it is used under the Creative Commons Attribution. We understand the power of outliners very well, I think.

#Macos markdown outliner android#

(idk if Roam has one and Workflowy doesn't have anything at all)ĭesktop only? One big thing I've noticed with internal linking and file attachments in Markdown is that they're a total PITA between Windows and Android since apps tend to handle them in idiosyncratic ways, and that inconsistency and general lack of quality in Android Markdown apps is what originally killed my attempt to keep notes in Markdown.įrom what I've used Markdown apps, they're not really that great for bulletpoint outlining. At least Dynalist's file manager fails at this. deleting the page or deleting the image from the page deletes the rich content. In a notetaking app the rich content should ideally be tied to a page so eg. managing orphans and figuring out which file is where a pain. Second, how are attachments handled? Of the aforementioned, at least Roam and Dynalist just upload the file to a server and link it to the Markdown page, which makes eg. From what I've used Markdown apps, they're not really that great for bulletpoint outlining. I'm an absolutely chronic bulletpoint addict - apps like OneNote, Workflowy, Dynalist and Roam are pretty much heaven.

Macos markdown outliner