Brooklyn law school david reiss
Brooklyn law school david reiss

brooklyn law school david reiss

Professor Wirth has also been Attorney-Adviser for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs in the Office of the Legal Adviser of the U.S.

brooklyn law school david reiss brooklyn law school david reiss

While there, he worked on a variety of international environmental issues, including environmental reform of World Bank and regional development banks, the “greenhouse” effect, Soviet and eastern European environmental issues, stratospheric ozone depletion, and exports of hazardous substances. office of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a nonprofit public interest law firm specializing in environmental issues. Prior to moving to academia, Professor Wirth was Senior Attorney and Co-Director of the International Program at the Washington, D.C. In addition to Boston College, he has taught at Harvard, M.I.T., Oxford, the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, and the University of Virginia. He has a particularly strong research interest in international environmental law, an area in which he has worked and practiced for more than two decades. Professor Wirth teaches primarily in the field of public international law. Wirth is Professor of Law at Boston College Law School in Newton, Massachusetts, where he has served as Director of International Programs. He is a frequent contributor to op ed pages, including those of the National Law Journal, Legal Times, Christian Science Monitor and Philadelphia Inquirer and his views on a variety of real estate and land use issues have appeared in the Washington Post, Village Voice, New York Newsday, NPR,, and, among other media outlets.David A. Azmy) in the Rutgers Law Journal “Neighborhood Entrepreneurs Program in New York City” in the ABA’s Journal of Affordable Housing & Development Law and “Housing Abandonment and New York City’s Response” in the New York University Review of Law & Social Change.

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His other publications include “Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the Future of Federal Housing Finance Policy: A Study of Regulatory Privilege” in the Alabama Law Review (forthcoming) “The Federal Government’s Implied Guarantee of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s Obligations: Uncle Sam Will Pick Up the Tab” in the Georgia Law Review "Modeling a Response to Predatory Lending: The New Jersey Home Ownership Security Act of 2002" (with B. His article, "Subprime Standardization: How Rating Agencies Allow Predatory Lending to Flourish in the Secondary Mortgage Market" in the Florida State University Law Review was granted an award as the best article of 2006 on a topic dealing with consumer financial services law by the American College of Consumer Financial Services Lawyers. He was also a law clerk to Judge Timothy Lewis of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Previously, he was an associate in the New York office of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison in its Real Estate Department and an associate at Morrison & Foerster in San Francisco in its Land Use and Environmental Law Group. He was most recently a Visiting Clinical Associate Professor at the Seton Hall Law School Center for Social Justice. Brooklyn Law School Professor David Reiss concentrates his study and practice in real estate issues and community development.

Brooklyn law school david reiss